Terms and Conditions

Agreement between: the Marital Couple (Hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Client” and who shall be jointly and severally responsible) AND Mesiano Wedding Films (Hereinafter referred to as Mesiano Wedding Films”)

1. The Client hereby engages Matthew Mesiano for the following:
TIME BOOKED – Full day coverage – Prep to first dance – usually 8-10hrs
DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS – Videography – 12 -16 weeks post wedding day
DELIVERABLES – Digital delivery unless stated

2. The Client agrees to pay Mesiano Wedding Films a total agreed on the following terms: BOOKING FEE – £250 advance payment to secure the videographer for the required date. (NB. BOOKING FEE is non-refundable). Remainder balance one (1) month prior the date of the wedding.

3. Payment. Bank transfer (account detail given on the invoice) Booking fee will secure the date and is non refundable

4. Additional charges

4.1 Parking Charges. The client should in the first instance attempt to locate free parking that is no more than 5 minutes walking distance from each location that is required to be shot. Where there is no free parking available the client shall locate a safe and secure carpark for Mesiano Wedding Films to park their vehicle(s) at and accept to reimburse Mesiano Wedding Films for the full amount of any car parking charges. If the client fails to locate a safe and secure car park Mesiano Wedding Films may choose any car park that they feel meets the required needs and the client must accept to reimburse Mesiano Wedding Films for the full amount of any car parking charges.
4.2 Charges will be incurred should the wedding be outside of UK (N.Ireland excluded) to cover travel, accommodation and sustenance expenses.
4.3 Additional video edits requested on the day beyond that previously agreed shall be quoted for and paid on order.

5. The Client agrees that the booking fee is non-transferable and non-refundable in the event of cancellation by the Client for whatsoever reason.

5.1 The Clients have a right under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 to cancel this agreement at any time, without giving a reason, within the ‘Cooling Off Period’ (Standard 14 day cooling-off period applies).

* The Cooling Off Period shall begin upon the signing of this agreement and shall end after 14 days. To exercise the right to cancel, the Clients must inform Mesiano Wedding Films of their decision to cancel the agreement with a clear and concise statement sent by email.

* Where the Clients cancel the agreement within the cooling-off period, Mesiano Wedding Films will reimburse the Clients all payments received, except the booking fee.

6. Mesiano Wedding Films will present the films from the wedding on an online gallery. The Client agrees that Mesiano Wedding Films will have 12-16 weeks from the date of the wedding to produce these films.

7. The Client agrees that this Agreement shall be deemed canceled if all monies are not paid on time as stipulated above and Mesiano Wedding Films shall have no further obligations to the Client.

8. Matthew Mesiano shall retain Copyright in all the material produced by Matthew Mesiano and this right shall accrue to the benefit of his/her successors, legal representatives and assigns.

9. All footage are approximate. Mesiano Wedding Films will provide ideal colour balance but cannot guarantee exact colour matching. It is sometimes not possible to record on film the exact colour as seen by the human eye. There is no right to reject on the basis of style or composition.

9.1 Whilst we try our best to accommodate all requirements, we cannot guarantee any particular scene or person is captured or included in the films.

9.2 The client accepts that we have ultimate editorial control over the final films provided as part of our services.

9.3 Any final editing decisions are made at our sole discretion.

9.4 When the films are finalised a link will be sent to you.

9.5 Any reasonable technical issues in all films will be repaired complimentary but any substantial amendments required by the client not resulting in being faulty (and not resulting from us failing to provide the services with reasonable skill and care) which are outside the scope of initial agreed service and wedding details form will be charged at an hourly rate of £50. We must be notified of any required amendments in writing within 14 days of delivery of the films.

10. Mesiano Wedding Films shall not be liable for any claims whatsoever resulting from alterations made to the material by the Client. Mesiano Wedding Films grants the Client the right to make unlimited number and format of copies of the films in any medium for personal use and Mesiano Wedding Films shall issue a written Copyright Release to third parties to authorise such copies. The Client shall obtain written permission from Mesiano Wedding Films prior to selling or publishing any of the material for financial gain.

10.1 Mesiano Wedding Films will keep footage/films of each wedding for a period of six months, the client is responsible to back up the footage/films as they will not always be available from Mesiano Wedding Films.

11. The Client will agree or not agree to the use of footage and films for marketing purposes, this is in accordance with GDPR.

12. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure the videographer and any additional videographers hired through Mesiano Wedding Films has refreshments and food, the meal should be supplied at the same time as the guests.

13. It is the Client’s responsibility to obtain permission for entry to all applicable locations and to advise the Mesiano Wedding Films of any restrictions or policies in place at all applicable locations.

13.1 The Client will agree to compensate the Videographer for any parking fees that may be required to carry out his/her duties on the day of the wedding.

14. Mesiano Wedding Films shall not be held responsible for any filming requested but not provided resulting from the late arrival of the wedding parties or lack of performance by the designated Coordinator as appointed by the Client. It is also a duty of the Coordinator to keep guest photographers from hampering the videographer during the designated official photography/videographer sessions.

15. If Mesiano Wedding Films has a reason for not performing under this Wedding Videography Contract, the following provisions shall apply:
15.1. If Mesiano Wedding Films cannot attend to their duties for medical reasons or another emergency, all effort shall be made by him/her to engage a competent replacement videographer at no extra cost to the Client. If Mesiano Wedding Films cannot source a replacement photographer or the Client is not satisfied with the proposed replacement, all monies paid by the Client (including the Booking Fee) shall be refunded in full and Mesiano Wedding Films liability shall be limited to this refund.
15.2 All monies shall be refunded and this Agreement becomes null and void if an act of God or other catastrophe necessitates cancellation, or in case of death or serious illness to either party or their immediate families up to five days before the wedding. Such cancellation must be in writing and a registered professional shall attest to the illness or death referenced as a reason for cancellation.
15.3 If Mesiano Wedding Films resigns this assignment for reasons such as changes made by the Client to the venue, dates or time, non-payment of fees or non-performance by the Client, monies paid shall be refunded after deductions for travelling costs incurred and services performed up to that time.
15.4 Mesiano Wedding Films undertakes to use the utmost care and reliable equipment throughout the capturing, backup, processing and transportation of the material. If however, the material is lost, stolen or damaged for any reason, Mesiano Wedding Films shall refund all monies received and liability shall be limited to this refund. If a portion of the material is lost, stolen or damaged for any reason, then the refund shall be calculated pro-rata based on the package selected and liability shall be limited to this partial refund.
15.5 Mesiano Wedding Films will not be held responsible if certain images are affected, damaged or lost due to other professional photographers/videographers and family members/friends with own cameras/phones taking photos during the Client’s wedding/event.

15.6 ‘COVID-19’ specific – should the wedding event date need to be changed due to COVID-19 restriction, the deposit will be valid for the re-arranged date. Should Mesiano Wedding Films not be available to film on the rearranged date, 15.1 will stand.

16. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no changes or variations shall be valid unless done in writing and signed by all parties.

17. This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws of the UK and should any provision of this Agreement be judged by an appropriate court as invalid, it shall not affect any of the remaining provisions whatsoever.